From the 14th to the 28th February, our writer and illustrator friends are making an array of generous offers in exchange for donations to FLN.                                  Browse the offers and claim the ones you want

Donations to Free Libraries Network FLN are exempt from tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Tax exemption is only valid in India.

Offer byAmount RequiredLink to register
Kiran ManralFor a donation of INR 3000, I will do a 30-minute Zoom call with you or someone you would like to gift my offer to.Register Now
K SrilataFor a donation of INR 2,000, you and nine other donors will get a three hour poetry workshop over zoom. Register Now
Anjum HasanI will constructively critique a piece of your writing for a donation of INR 4000.Register Now
Bijal VachharajaniIf you donate Rs 5,000, I will offer feedback on your picture book manuscript and a 20 minute Zoom call discussion. Register Now
Sridala SwamiFor a donation of INR 3000 I will send you one book from my personal poetry collection plus a copy of my book Escape Artist.Register Now
Menaka RamanFor a donation of INR 5000 I’ll do an interactive online reading session from one of my books for a young person you know and their friends or classmates!Register Now
Rajiv EipeFor a donation of INR Rs. 5000, i am offering an original pencil drawing (one double spread or two single pages) from one of my recently published picture books or comicsRegister Now
Maya Sharma SriramFor a donation of INR 3000 I will do a writing workshop for you and nine others over two zoom sessionsRegister Now
Amitabha BagchiIf you donate INR 15,000 I’ll be happy to talk to your book club about any of my books that interest youRegister Now
Jane BorgesFor a donation of INR 2500, I will do a 90-minute talk about my craft and the subjects of my work over Zoom.Register Now
Tarana Husain KhanFor a donation of INR 2000 you may attend my two hour workshop on writing historical fiction––’Plot it and Pen It’.Register Now
Andaleeb WajidI’d like to offer a Google meet workshop on self-publishing on Amazon KDP and how it differs from traditional publishing. A 3 hour workshop for Rs. 5000 for 10 people.Register Now
Tashan MehtaI am offering a one-on-one chat with me worth INR 5,000. We can discuss my work / your work / writing in general – you pick!Register Now
UnmanaFor a donation of INR 3000, you can join an online workshop on finishing your first novel.Register Now
Sayoni BasuOne on one workshop for people who want feedback and critiquing of their book proposal/manuscript. This will possibly be more attractive to writers of children’s books rather than books for adults, though happy to work with the latter as well.Register Now
Manjula PadmanabhanAn original piece of digital art by me, inspired by a word/concept sent to me by the buyer.Register Now
Vandana Yadavएफएलएन के लाइब्रेरी प्रोजेक्ट को 5500/- रूपए डोनेट करने पर आप मुझसे 30 मिनिट तक लेखन पर सलाह अथवा बातचीत कर सकते हैं। इसके साथ प्रत्येक दानकर्ता को मेरे संस्मरण की पुस्तक “आई डोन्ट लाइक यू” की विशेष हस्ताक्षरित प्रति भेजी जाएगी।Register Now
Samina MishraFor a donation of INR 2500 per participant, I will do an online poetry-writing workshop for children between 10-14 years on a weekend in May.Register Now
Shabnam MinwallaFor Rs 4000 I will name a character in a book after a person and give a personally signed copyRegister Now
Avtar SinghFor Rs 15,000, I’ll take a close look at your PROSE work in progress (book, short story, essay), and suggest a way forward.Register Now
Adithi RaoFor a donation of Rs. 3000/- I will facilitate a two-hour writing workshop for children on the three key aspects of building a powerful story.Register Now
Rajiv Eipe & Peter GriffinWould you like to own some Eipe art Made with whimsy and lots of heart? With a Griffin joke In a poem bespoke? To get one, with 5k you must part.Register Now