Studio Safdar Library

Studio Safdar is based in the community of Shadi Khampur. We run a library for children every Sunday from 10 am to 12 noon. Children from the age range of 4 years to 14 years come and read books, often times we also do other activities like storytelling, drawing, etc.
Its purpose is to help the child discover the pleasures of reading and to open up the world of imagination for them.
Its mission is to make this community’s own space so that these children when they grow up remember this library and send their children and the cycle continues.

2253E, New Ranjeet Nagar,
Shadi Khampur, New Delhi,
West Delhi,
Delhi – 110008

Library Contact: Priyanka
Contact Email:

Library Staff Members2
Library Member StrengthNil
Gender Breakdown of MembersNil
Age Groups Served5yrs to 14yrs
Library Branches1
Villages/Clusters Served1 village
Book Collection Size500
Type of Books in CollectionPicture books, Story Books, Informative books etc
Average Daily Footfalls30
Types of Reading ProgramsRead Aloud, Storytelling, Drawing, Book Related Activities etc
Other Library ProgramsFilm Screening
Presence of Various Library Policies (enrollment/admission, safety,
anti-discrimination & inclusion guidelines etc)