Aatmvishwas Kendra

आत्मविश्वास केंद्र का स्थापना गांव और शहरी क्षेत्र के बच्चों को शसक्त बनाना है, और उनमें आत्मविश्वास जगा कर उन्हे आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करना , आत्मविश्वास केन्द्र को 2 साल पहले खोला गया था और इसमें फ्री लाइब्रेरी नेटवर्क संस्था का बहुत बड़ा योगदान रहा की हमे फ्री में किताबे दिया और इससे हमारा काम और भी आसान हो गया , और यह दो साल में अच्छा परिवर्तन दिखने को मिला है ।

The Aatmvishhwas Kendra was established to empower children in both rural and urban areas, and to inspire and instill confidence in them. It was opened 2 years ago with significant support from the Free Libraries Network organization, which provided free books, making our work easier. We have witnessed positive change in the past two years.

Amgachhi, word No 9,
Prakhand , Sikti
Bihar – 854332

Library Contact: Vijay Kumar
Contact Email: vijaykumar.pp2208@gmail.com

Library Staff Members3
Library Member Strength40
Gender Breakdown of Members
Age Groups Served5yrs to 10yrs, 10yrs to 14yrs, 14yrs to 18yrs, 18yrs to 21yrs, 21yrs and above
Library Branches1
Villages/Clusters Served1 village, 300 people
Book Collection Size200
Type of Books in CollectionPicture Books by Eklavya, Tulika, Kahini
Total Take Home Circulation600
Average Daily Footfalls
Types of Reading ProgramsRead Aloud, Storytelling, Book Talks, Early Learning/Foundational Literacy, Activity, Book-Related Games.
Other Library Programs
Presence of Various Library Policies (enrollment/admission, safety, anti-discrimination & inclusion guidelines etc)Yes,
When we give books to children to take home, we make them enter the book in Register.
Secondly, we take care of enrolment, admission, security, we make some guidelines with the children and share these guidelines with the children and follow them together.