FLN Advocacy

The FLN is committed to the free library movement and engages with stakeholders from publishing and literary worlds, policymakers, think-tanks, governments and implementation agencies.

People’s National Library Policy – PNLP 2024

Free Libraries Network FLN advocates for a free, excellent, autonomous (community-owned), inclusive and publicly funded library system across India in order to foster a generation of informed, aware and empowered people, who can contribute to the development of themselves, their communities and the larger collective that makes up this country. 

At present India does not have a public library system that actively strives to support learners, readers & thinkers in all parts of the country through excellent standards of library facilities & infrastructure. Nor does it equitably serve those who have been excluded or marginalised due to factors such as caste, class, religion, gender, disability etc. 

FLN’s Research & Action group has drafted a People’s National Library Policy which presents a framework by which various stakeholders of the free library movement including lawmakers, governments, policy think tanks, publishers, writers, artists, educators and knowledge & information service providers may collaborate and work towards a public library system that delivers to the people of India, a free & effective public library system.

Read the draft People’s National Library Policy (PNLP) 2024 document here. Please note that this is work-in-progress, requiring collaborative inputs from different domain experts. If referring to or reproducing this on any other platform, please request consent from FLN by emailing us at freelibrariesnetworkfln@gmail.com.

Publisher Engagement

Publishers and all who make books are inextricably linked to free libraries. The FLN Compact lays out a vision and roadmap for the partnership to be realised. FLN also brings library practitioners and bookmakers together in dialogue through a series of webinars.

2. View conversations with publishers:

Engagement With Public Stakeholders

India needs a free library movement that’s driven not just by librarians but government agencies, educational institutions, think tanks and general members of civic society. FLN is committed to demanding that free-libraries be included in public discussions and policies. We are also initiating and inviting all stakeholders into conversations which platform free libraries and the right to read.

4. NAPM Samvad Series. Discussions on free libraries hosted by the National Alliance of People’s Movements: