Everybody has the right to read. Everybody should have access to the kinds of books that make them think, imagine, learn & create. However, for a majority of people in this country, accessing books in their language, which speak to their socio-cultural contexts, histories, hopes & dreams, is impossible without the presence of a free & well-curated library and a publishing ecosystem that caters to their literary needs.
“Collections and services have to include all types of appropriate media and modern technologies as well as traditional materials. High quality, relevance to local needs and conditions, and reflective of the language and cultural diversity of the community are fundamental. Material must reflect current trends and the evolution of society, as well as the memory of human endeavor and imagination. Collections and services should not be subject to any form of ideological, political or religious censorship, nor commercial pressures.”
~ IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 2022
FLN believes that all free libraries must have an excellent collection of books, information & knowledge resources, that serves its members in terms of size, diversity & language of collection. Recognizing that grassroots libraries, in the absence of funds & other material support, struggle to meet these ideals on their own, FLN created the ‘Books For All’ (BFA) Program, which assists libraries in the following way.
- Curation: BFA assists libraries in understanding their readers’ needs and matching them with the right publishers & catalogues. The program helps build awareness about publishers, writers & illustrators so that librarians can make informed choices for their readers.
- Publisher Discounts & Free Books: BFA also assists librarians in placing orders, availing discounts and getting free books from those publishers who have extended these benefits to FLN. For more read about the FLN Compact for Publishers, Writers & Illustrators here.
- Book Boxes: All FLN member-libraries can avail of book boxes containing a minimum of 100 free & excellent books, curated for their community (language, reading levels etc.) and shipped free of cost to their location.
To avail of any of these benefits (for FLN members only), write to booksforallfln@gmail.com
Donate books: Our greatest need for books tends to be those for children and young adults, and especially those in non-English Indian languages. If you want to donate used books, please ensure they are in good condition. Avoid donating workbooks, encyclopedia’s sets and exam preparation books (older than two years). You can schedule a drop off by emailing Vipin (FLN, Books-For-All program incharge) at booksforallfln@gmail.com.