Free Libraries Network-FLN is a collective of grassroots organisations & practitioners that build, operate and advocate for free libraries that guarantee equal access for all, to reading, learning & information resources. FLN asserts that free libraries are a matter of right.

FLN’s vision of a free library is one that is anti-caste, gender & disability inclusive and delivers excellent library services to all, while doing the essential work of welcoming those who have been historically excluded into reading & thinking together.
If you run a free library (zero membership fee, accessible to all) join us:
- To connect with other free libraries
- To share resources, curricula, best practices & field knowledge
- To generate data insights about free libraries in India
- To build political consciousness that underlies free-library praxis
- To coordinate and act in solidarity on matters of policy & issues related to access to knowledge resources
If you are not a library organisation or practitioner that actively works in a free library but wish to get involved, joins us as Friends Of FLN.
Note that FLN does not create, own or operate libraries but is a coalition of free libraries, librarians and library activists in India and South Asia.
Free Libraries Network-FLN is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

Free Libraries Network FLN is a member of IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. It is one of only 10 Indian libraries/library associations to have this distinction and stands out amongst its fellow-members (which include The Parliament Library, Indian Library Association, IIT-Bombay and IISc etc.) as the only library organisation to represent India’s free, public-access, grassroots libraries.
FLN shares IFLA’s belief “in the public library as a living force for education, culture, inclusion and information, as an essential agent for sustainable development, and for individual fulfilment of peace and spiritual welfare through the minds of all individuals“ and hopes to build a global conversation on librarianship that includes the free libraries of India and South Asia.